ISI Certification

Bureau of Indian Standard

We are pleased to Inform you that Pragti Bitumen Industry got ISI Certification for Rapid setting & Medium setting from Bureau of Indian Standard Having CM/L - 2885480 as being manufacturer, we always try to provide Better Quality & Best Service to our customer. Our sincere efforts & your Faith make it all possible.We definitely like to share this with you as a part of our Organisation.




Quality Control


We all are quite aware that Quality is the major & most important Key factor in Production Unit.


The relation between company & customer in market is built on the Quality of Product. “Better we Serve, better we get the satisfaction from our customer“. Considering the fact Pragati Bitumen Industry has developed well Equipped Laboratory i.e Research & Development Department for Quality Control & Quality Assurance as per National IS standards, where material of every Batch has tested under the Supervision of well qualified & experienced technical staff.